Waiting for Life to Happen

Do not.

Do not wait for your life to happen.

It is already happening. You are alive.

Life does not happen the moment you get promoted.

It does not begin when you get a boyfriend or get married.

Life happens during those dark lonely hours when you feel you’re unloved.

Life happens when you cry in pain because exercising seems too much of a struggle but you need to do it.

Life happens in moments when you just don’t know what to do next.

It’s okay not to know what to do next.

What is NOT okay is to not know what to do or where you’re going.

At least know what you want to do now.

Yes, now.

Write? Go write.

Want to look and feel better? Hit the pool or gym or whatever makes you feel healthier.

Buy that bikini? Go ahead, splurge a little. You deserve to spend sometimes.

Do what you want to do now.

Do what makes you feel alive and what makes others feel alive, joyful.

Start with one thing and keep doing it.

Do not stop if it brings you joy.

Do not stop if it brings you satisfaction.

Do not stop if you are scared.

Life is about risk. You are not risking anything if you are not afraid.

So go on, do the first thing on your almost-forgotten list.

But let me remind you again, that life is not waiting for you to make it happen.

Life is happening.

Life is now.

You are alive.

Go and feel it.

Yes, you are alive.

You just have to choose and to act.

Do it now.

You’ll never get back the second you spent reading the next word.

Just go and do it.

Love life.



Life Stories: An Introduction


What is life?


It’s a huge book of stories.


Stories that last seconds.

Stories that last days.

Stories that make up a year or two.

Stories formed in many ways.


Stories waiting to be written.

Some waiting to be told.

Most often than not these are stories are what makes our life so gold.


Stories take time.

One minute of everyday.

You have the option to choose how to write it, if you have the chance one day.


So while I still have time left, I’ve decided to do something so I won’t forget.

Life is made up of stories, of memories we took part.

Writing these down, at least once a day will help leave a mark.


I need to write.

I need to remember.

Like this love, that touch, his laughter.


This is the beginning of my life’s memories.

And this are my…

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If We Meet Again


If We Meet Again

Sorry for the flowers I never gave you

I wish I could have bought you one

Sorry for the words I never said

It’s easier said than done

Sorry if I couldn’t look you in the eyes

I wish I could smile at you more genuinely

Sorry if I didn’t hold your hand

I was afraid it won’t fit perfectly

Sorry if I shouted your song

Still what I feel remained unheard

Sorry for the lousy holiday message

But know that I meant every word

Sorry for the short replies

I just didn’t know what to say

Sorry for the time we never spent

If only I could stay…

But I couldn’t…

And we both know the reason why

Sorry for the moment we never shared

Your love came at the wrong time

Sorry if I broke you heart

You’re special and that is true

I love you, yes

But not the way you want me to

Sorry if in many ways I hurt you

Maybe it was never meant to be

If we meet again in another life

I promise it would be you and me


A response to the earlier post entitled “Thank You, Goodbye”.

Thank you, Goodbye

Thank you, Goodbye


Thank you for the flowers you never gave me

And the letter you never wrote

Thank you for the questions you never asked

And the words you never spoke


Thank you for the stare we never shared

And for the smile you have to fake

Thank you for not holding my hand

Probably a chance you’ll never take


Thank you for the song we sang together

It will always be my favorite

Thank you for the lovely holiday message

I wonder if you really meant it


Thank you for the talk you never started

And the courtesy for a short reply

Thank you for the time we never spent

And for the nights you made me cry


Thank you for asking if I was fine

I wish I could tell you I’m not

Thank you for the moment we never had

And why we could never give us a shot


Thank you for breaking my heart

When I said I love you, you said I am special

Right then I knew

Our feelings were never mutual


Thank you for the love unrequited

Now I’ll just let time pass us by

Thank you for never wanting me

It’s time to say goodbye.


*This is a contribution by a good friend who did not want to be named. This friend of mine could really write well. I hope this friend would continue to write. 🙂