
Processed with VSCOcam with p5 preset
Looking out for that perfect wave on the shores of Dahican. A place she wishes to call home one day.


Mermaids Do Surf*, the brainchild of Ferina Santos, took around two years of soul searching in and out of the water before it came to life. Together with likeminded friends who share her passion for watery adventures and a lot of mental stimulation, Mermaids Do Surf was finally born in February of 2015.

Forgotten for almost a year, it was only when her love of writing surfaced from beneath the depth’s of a world once numbed and private. This is her stage, an extension of her self. A safe haven she can rest on while away from the waters of safety.

Processed with VSCOcam with lv01 preset


*Mermaids Do Surf’s logo would not have been possible without the creative mind of Cy Arendain. 

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