Life Stories: An Introduction


What is life?


It’s a huge book of stories.


Stories that last seconds.

Stories that last days.

Stories that make up a year or two.

Stories formed in many ways.


Stories waiting to be written.

Some waiting to be told.

Most often than not these are stories are what makes our life so gold.


Stories take time.

One minute of everyday.

You have the option to choose how to write it, if you have the chance one day.


So while I still have time left, I’ve decided to do something so I won’t forget.

Life is made up of stories, of memories we took part.

Writing these down, at least once a day will help leave a mark.


I need to write.

I need to remember.

Like this love, that touch, his laughter.


This is the beginning of my life’s memories.

And this are my…

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Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset


Out of Time

24 hours is a day.

The weekend is just two.

48 hours later, it’s Monday

And I’m feeling blue.


Dragging myself out of bed,

I put on my happy face

9 hours spent on my desk

Woah, what a waste.


Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

All seems the same

I could have done more but

All the inspiration goes down the drain


Friday comes and I’m hopeful

The afternoon doesn’t seem so bad

Life is finally getting started

Real freedom is at hand


5:30 seems too long to arrive

I get jittery and start to unwind

Suddenly work appears like thief

Stealing my weekend, what a thrill!


And so another hour to add

To the work that steals from my life

I could have spent this exercising

Had I known I’d eat much that night


I plop onto bed feeling at ease

Tomorrow is Saturday,

No need to wake early

It’s going to be a breeze


I catch up on sleep

Like I haven’t had much at all

The moment I wake up

I’ve wasted it all


It’s Sunday and I’ve got to prepare

There’s still laundry to do

Mouths to feed and

Things to renew


Weekends are too short

Two days only, why two?

Wished I didn’t have to work

Because two days are too short to be with you.


If We Meet Again


If We Meet Again

Sorry for the flowers I never gave you

I wish I could have bought you one

Sorry for the words I never said

It’s easier said than done

Sorry if I couldn’t look you in the eyes

I wish I could smile at you more genuinely

Sorry if I didn’t hold your hand

I was afraid it won’t fit perfectly

Sorry if I shouted your song

Still what I feel remained unheard

Sorry for the lousy holiday message

But know that I meant every word

Sorry for the short replies

I just didn’t know what to say

Sorry for the time we never spent

If only I could stay…

But I couldn’t…

And we both know the reason why

Sorry for the moment we never shared

Your love came at the wrong time

Sorry if I broke you heart

You’re special and that is true

I love you, yes

But not the way you want me to

Sorry if in many ways I hurt you

Maybe it was never meant to be

If we meet again in another life

I promise it would be you and me


A response to the earlier post entitled “Thank You, Goodbye”.